In today’s installment of closet Confessionals we meet a self-proclaimed Philophile who is extremely real and down to earth about her purchases. Her collection is streamlined and includes classic pieces from various eras, but her all-time favorite is a Phoebe Philo-era tote. though she admits to being a bit of a material person who loves beautiful things, she also knows that big purchases won’t make her any happier in life. beyond acquiring something new, shopping makes her pleased as she enjoys the act of admiring things that are aesthetically pleasing—designer or not. This confessor’s purchases are thought out and budgeted for, and shopping within her implies is a big part of her attitude towards bags. Unfortunately, she has experienced the negative aspect of shopping luxury and has received inferior service at shops in Europe. though on the flip side, one of her favorite bag purchasing moments was when a sales partner tracked her down after finding her dream bag deep in the stockroom. read the full confessional below and be sure to submit your own!

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Age: 35
Rodová identita: Žena
Location: Singapore
Occupation: Producer
Industry: Media
Salary: $60,000
Household Income: $60,000


Ste členom Pufseforum? No

How numerous bags do you own? 9

What bags are in your collection?

Celine Sangle Seau tote (Phoebe Philo era)
Celine Trio purse (Phoebe Philo era)
Chanel 2.55 reissue (from 2006 or 2007, purchased secondhand in 2011)
Issey Miyake Baobao tote
Saint Laurent Duffle 6 (Hedi Slimane era)
YSL Tribute tote (Stefano Pilati era)
Mulberry Bayswater
APC Sac June purse
Steven Alan Lilly purse

Vast collection of canvas totes from everywhere, typically free, in some cases purchased.

Koľko stojí vaša zbierka? around US$9,000, if you only count the designer ones.

What is your many expensive bag? The Chanel 2.55 reissue edges out the Celine Sangle Seau just a little, by a few hundred bucks. If I remember correctly, I paid under US$2,500 for the Chanel, which is a steal compared to purchasing one new.

I purchased it off a respectable forum and I spent quite a bit of time researching and consulting third party authenticators. I also took it once to Chanel to ask for guidance for cleaning and they never bat an eyelid, so I’m assuming it’s real, lol. In any case, it’s been so numerous years and it looks and feels amazing, so even if it’s fake, it’s certainly solid. The reissues, at least from 2007 and earlier, are developed like little luxurious tanks — beautiful to touch and feel but they weigh a tonne, and the leather is very robust. The sheer weight implies I don’t often use it but I love having it.

What are the most essential brands or pieces in your collection? I think the Celine Sangle Seau is very special – certainly luxe but very discreet and not an apparent’s not as recognisable as the Luggage tote, or the Belt bag. The Phoebe Philo era at Celine had some great understated pieces – one bag I wished I purchased was the Twisted Cabas, but it was a very tall bag and I suspect it might have been a wee bit annoying to use, but it has such a great shape and vibe. I think the Trio is rather overpriced of what it is, but the three-pocket design is so clean and useful and I use a lot – on holidays it goes from sight-seeing to good dinners and I like the graphical lines. people who don’t know anything (or care) about luxury brands and designers always compliment me on these two bags.

The Chanel reissue was also significant…I really loved the Coco Chanel mythology at the time and I think a lot of her ideas about clothing are timeless (I’m rather less taken with her anti-Semitism and the glow has vanished because I learnt much more about that). aside from that, I think the bag came from a time when luxury brands were much more consistent in quality, and it’s a pointer how how much out there now is just gloss, compared to something so well-made.

The YSL Tribute is one of my fave bags ever, though it’s rather heavy compared to the Sangle Seau, and I don’t use it as often anymore. but I really love Stefano Pilati’s work at YSL – there was a lot of personality! The shops used to be this beautiful opium red, now they’re a bit cookie-cutter “luxury brand”.

What age did you get your first designer bag, and what was it? My first designer bag was the Mulberry Bayswater, which I regret, unfortunately. It’s a very beautiful mirrored bronze leather, and it looks fantastic but it is so impractical. The gloss is quite high maintenance and looks awful when scratched or creased…and my life is quite an active, unfancy one so I really choose bags that age well in the elements. Also, it’s quite a boxy design and after that I realise that I really don’t like bags that have such a stiff structure, and choose bags that relocation with my body. I also dislike the clasp, which made it a pain to get things in and out.

I still have it, because it’s not in good enough condition to fetch any kind of respectable price resale, and it’s kind of a pointer to “know thyself” before you spend good money on a designer bag. It doesn’t matter how popular it is…everyone is different and it’s really about your lifestyle and habits. Also, I purchased it on steep discount and I realise now it is a mistake to purchase something simply because it’s on sale and a “steal”.

Is there a particular bag you are wanting to purchase next? Nie presne. I think the glow of designer bags has worn off for me, and I’m much much more cynical about the marketing of luxury conglomerates. Also, once you’ve handled enough quality bags (old Chanel, Hermes), you become very unimpressed with many of what is out there. I don’t make much and while I don’t mind splurging, I don’t want to be suckered by branding and pay thousands for something that isn’t special.

Also, my current job as a producer is very casual, and I deal with a lot of non-profits, so swinging around conspicuously expensive bags isn’t appropriate. I’m pleased with what I have and I don’t want to purchase new bags that will just sit on the shelf.

My last designer bag was a Baobao – one of those Prism bags, with a pretty metallic sprinkled paint effect. It looks like a little painting. I love that it is lightweight but strong, and it looks cool. It’s a statement but it’s useful and works for my life.

Any particular bag that holds a special sentimental value? Nie. I love my bags but I’m not sentimental about them. I took a break from work a couple years ago, and in that time I travelled on a budget, and designer bags were really far away from my mind. I think that changed the way I saw them; something that seemed so essential when I purchased it, all of a sudden had no place in my life. I was pleased to come back and start using my bags again when I started working, but I didn’t miss them.

Do you feel like your bags change people’s perceptions of you or how you’re treated? Yes, I in some cases feel self-conscious when I carry something a bit much more recognisable. I’m used to it now but I used to wonder if I’m seen as materialistic and status conscious. even friends made comments like, “I didn’t know you’re the kind of person who spend a few thousand dollars on a handbag.” You do get used to it. everyone judges when people spend large sums of money, and so long as I was spending responsibly, I don’t feel like I need to discuss or apologise for it.

Once, in one of my previous jobs, a co-worker recognised I was carrying a Saint Laurent bag, and grilled me endlessly about it. I was pretty annoyed, not because I’m ashamed of my spending but because she was just being nosy and searching for something to cast judgement over. I remember countering: “Are you trying to find out how much I make? Do you think that’s appropriate?”

That shut her up. but it did make me realise that people do look very closely at what you use/carry/wear, and you always have to be ready for this sort of nonsense or else it could turn into something needlessly dramatic.

On the flip side, I love meeting a fellow Philophile. There’s something special about encountering someone who comprehends that little emotional reaction to certain objects. and this is not like, a imply Girls, “who’s in and who’s out” mentality. It’s like meeting someone who likes the same movie, or book.


How often do you purchase new bags? Every two years, it feels like. I keep saying, no much more bags! I purchased the Baobao in 2018, and I hope that’s the last of it for a while. I’ve become much more interested in ethical production for fashion and that helps – I really want to know how things are made and that the process wasn’t harmful to people or the environment. very few luxury brands have that kind of transparency.

Ktoré obchody navštevujete najviac? I like to see what’s happening at Loewe. I like Jonathan Anderson’s work and his bags are quirky and cool. I don’t feel like I have the lifestyle for them but visually, it’s fun. I also like shops like On Pedder, which carry a range of designers and it’s cool to see what emerging brands or designers are doing.

Do you ever purchase second-hand bags? Where do you purchase used? My only secondhand bag is the Chanel reissue, and sadly I can’t remember the name of the resale forum I got it from. I actually did a tonne of research on TPF back in 2011 and it was dead helpful in terms of figuring what questions I ought to be asking sellers. I delight in looking on TRR but honestly, I won’t pull the activate unless it’s something you know no one can be arsed to copy. The big names and styles are too pricey and risky for me to roll the dice, no matter what TRR says about their authentication process.

Predávate staré tašky, aby ste zaplatili za nové nákupy? Nie! I’m not precious about my possessions and many of what I have is probably too battered to be worth the hassle of selling. Plus, I like my collectiona nemajte túžbu rozlúčiť sa s nimi.

Cítite niekedy spoločenský tlak na nákup oveľa viac tašiek? Nie. Mám dve sestry a v niektorých prípadoch si kúpia krásnu tašku, ktorá ma trochu túži, ale väčšinou viem, že moje praktiky už dobre dobre a viem, že mám oveľa viac vecí, ktoré ma neurobí. Tašky tiež nie sú ako tričká-nemôžete skutočne používať iba tak početné naraz a kožené tašky sa naozaj nerobia dobre, ak len sedia v miestnosti a zhromažďujú prach. Koža sa zhoršuje v stave a potom sa stane niečím, čo musíte udržiavať a rozrušiť. Kde je z toho radosť?

Uvažujete o investíciách na nákupy tašiek? Nie, kupujem pre Keeps a nie som svojím zaisťovaním odchodu do odchodu do kabeliek. Ako početné z nich oceňuje hodnotu? Ľudia to hovoria o Birkins a Kellys, ale viete, na trhu s ďalším predajom je tak veľa, zaujímalo by vás, ako mnohí z nich skutočne predávajú, berúc do úvahy, koľko sa v dnešnej dobe rozhodnú pre nové.

Kto ovplyvňuje vaše nákupné rozhodnutia? Sledujem niekoľko ovplyvňovateľov na Instagrame, ale inšpirujem sa predovšetkým ich vibráciou, než aby som si kúpil konkrétne položky. Myslím, že Instagram ma naznačuje, na ktoré značky rozdávajú tašky, pretože ich zrazu vidíte všade, a to ma núti niečo nechcem, lol.

Sú vzťahy obchodných partnerov nápomocné pre vaše nakupovanie? Nie som dosť veľký kupujúci na to, aby mal tento typ vzťahu. Ale mám vtipný príbeh o pocte YSL. Pamätám si, ako som prešiel okolo butiku a všimol som si ho. Vošiel som, vyskúšal som to, miloval som to, ale cítil som, že je pre mňa príliš veľa peňazí, aj keď to bolo 40% zľava. Tak som odišiel. Nasledujúci deň som sa vrátil a ten istý obchodný spolupracovník, ktorý bol veľmi milý, mi povedal, že sa predal, a to bolo posledné. O päť, o šesť hodín neskôr som znova prešiel butikom, pretože som mal večeru v blízkosti a počul som, ako niekto volá: „Slečna! Slečna “za mnou. Otočil som sa a bol to ten istý obchodný spolupracovník, ktorý bežal po mne, keď ma videla prechádzať obchodom, pretože našla jednu poslednú tašku v sklade! Bola ako: „Bola som tak naštvaná, že som nezobrala vaše podrobnosti, a celý deň som strávil hľadaním na teba.“ Netreba dodávať, že som si kúpil tašku. Bol to dobrý okamih.

Prečo sa tešíte z nákupu, okrem získania niečoho nového? Milujem krásne veci a dobrý dizajn. Myslím, že som veľmi materiálny človek! Považujem za celkom emocionálne upokojujúce veci, ktoré sú esteticky príjemné, či už ide o ľahkú stolicu od Ikea alebo tašku od Celine. Môže byť ťažké odolať veciam, ktoré mi pripadajú krásne, ale naučil som sa obdivovať z diaľky. Dokážem nakupovať celé hodiny a niečo si nekúpim, ale je mi celkom zábavné obdivovať veci a možno sa o tom dozvedieť niečo. Preto sa mi nepáči nakupovať online – hmatový aspekt nakupovania chýba, keď to nemôžete analyzovať a cítiť.

Už ste sa niekedy cítili, akoby ste dostali podradnú službu v obchode alebo butiku kvôli vášmu vzhľadu, etnicite alebo pohlavia? Nič príliš hrozné, ale myslím si, že v Európe, vo väčších luxusných obchodoch, ktoré vidia veľa Ázijcov, predajcovia v niektorých prípadoch mi dávajú atmosféru, že ma len tolerujú za Komisiu. Spomínam si na obchodného partnera, keď som sa pozrel na výhľad a povedal som: „Teraz odídem, aby ste mohli ísť spať.“ Vlastne prevrátila očami a pokrčila plecami ramená a povedala: „Môžeš odísť kedykoľvek.“ Nie je to prvýkrát, čo som bol na konci rasizmu, a vždy to môžete povedať. To bol určite jeden z tých časov.


Kto platí za vaše tašky? Robím.

Odložíte rozpočet na nákupy tašky? Nie. Vyčíslil som úspory a platím všetky svoje účty včas, a to je o tom. Pokiaľ si myslím, že to nemá vplyv na môj celkový rozpočet na mesiac, som dobrý.

Témy tabu

Kúpili ste si niekedy falšovanie, pretože ste si nemohli dovoliť dizajnérsku položku? Nie. Myslím, že je to preto, že pre stav skutočne nekupujem veci. Tiež nikdy neviete, čo financujete, keď kupujete