In today’s installment of wardrobe Confessionals we have the unique chance to get a look into the bag-buying habits of somebody who works extremely carefully with high-end handbags. This late-twenties Canadian works as a consignment partner as well as not surprisingly she shops mainly the secondary market! A true purse enthusiast at her core, this confessor began loving bags with the purchase of her extremely very first high-end bag at 18—a vintage Chanel XL Flap. What a fantastic very first bag!

Since that extremely very first purchase, like many of us, this high-end enthusiast was hooked as well as her enthusiasm for bags is about more than just the high-end of it all. This confessor examined art in college, which fuels her enthusiasm for artist partnerships or special/limited edition bags. keeping that being said, this collector has amassed a collection full of special pieces, most notably unusual Louis Vuitton pieces from the Stephen Sprouse as well as Murakami collections. Her collection likewise includes a few covetable vintage pieces as well as next she’s got her sights set on a Kelly. checked out the completely CC now as well as don’t fail to remember to submit your own!

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Age: 28
Gender Identity: Female
Location: Canada
Occupation: Consignment Associate
Industry: high-end resale
Salary: $40,000
Household Income: $40,000

The Bags

Are you a PurseForum member? Áno

How many bags do you own? 20?ish

What bags are in your collection?

– Chanel Black Lambskin Jumbo XL Flap (vintage)
– Chanel Black Calfskin Cerf executive Tote
– Chanel Silver sequin E/W flap
– Dior Black little woman Dior (vintage)
– LV x Stephen Sprouse Graffiti Pochette
– LV x Murakami Cherries speedy 25
– LV monogram speedy 35
– Gucci Tan Calfskin web Boston Bag
– Gucci Black Calfskin web Boston Bag
– Moschino “McDonald’s” inspo Quilted Flap Crossbody
– Prada Calfskin little Crossbody (vintage)
– Gucci Black leather Horseshoe Flap Crossbody (vintage)
– Fendi Crown Calfskin twins Tote
– LV Tri-Colour Epi Noe
– LV Tan Epi Noe
– Alexander Wang Greenish-grey Rocco satchel
– Fendi Orange/purple Patent Baguette
– Saint Laurent brown Duffle 6
– Longchamp x Jeremy Scott Pills Pliage tote
– Longchamp x Jeremy Scott As Seen On TV Pliage carry

How much is your collection worth? depends upon the market ?

What is your most costly bag? I believe my most costly bag as of now is my vintage Chanel XL Flap. It was my very first designer bag as well as truly started my collection off on a strong foot. I bought it for $900CAD secondhand when I was 18 as well as now it resells for over $3000CAD minimum, presuming the condition isn’t terrible.

What are the most important brands or pieces in your collection? I examined art in college so my LV bags that are from restricted edition collections with artists or other designers are masterpieces to me. I hope to add more to my collection in the future!

What age did you get your very first designer bag, as well as what was it? responded to above!

Is there a specific bag you are looking to purchase next? I’m trying to range out an Hermès- bag finally. I’d like a Kelly however not sure exactly how realistic that is for right now… I do have a major appreciation for older bags that show their wear so fingers crossed that assists make the bag more attainable financially!

Any specific bag that holds a special emotional value? My Cherries Speedy… I like whatever about it… I’ve been searching for twillys to protect the handles even.

Do you feel like your bags modification people’s perceptions of you or exactly how you’re treated? indeed as well as no. Some people don’t understand one bag from the next so it goes undetected most of the time if I had to guess… however when buying at designer stores, it definitely impacts exactly how the sales associates treat you.


How frequently do you buy new bags? It’s almost an occupational hazard at this point since I work so carefully with them in a consignment store so I try to speed myself however every few months? Finances permitting?

Which stores do you regular the most? I like a bag that has wear to provide it some character as well as then I don’t feel like I have to infant the bag so much while out as well as about, so it’s mainly secondhand places. There’s some fantastic Canadian websites which have been perfect since there are no import charges – like that Bag etc, VSP, Poshbag, a few regional brick as well as mortar places, as well as then I look around Vestiaire as well as eBay however haven’t bought anything off those sites just yet.

Do you ever buy second-hand bags? Where do you buy used? almost exclusively.

Do you offer old bags to pay for new purchases? Not usually, I tend to get extremely connected to my bags as well as dislike to see them go when I bring them house with me. Recently, I offered a vintage Chanel drawstring bag as well as was able to turn a revenueiba po roku, ako aj pol roka?

Cítite niekedy spoločenský tlak, aby ste si kúpili viac tašiek? Naozaj, nestarám sa o trendy, páči sa mi klasiky, ako aj niekedy aj jedinečné kúsky, ktoré získate od koláči, ako aj tak.

Myslíte si o investíciách na nákupy tašiek? Naozaj sa však domnievam, že je to hlavne potvrdenie nákupu. Väčšina z nich sú investície a ukázalo sa, že sú situáciou, avšak, potom sa mi páči rovnako, rovnako ako aj bez ohľadu na to.

Kto ovplyvňuje vaše nákupné rozhodnutia? Idem na základe toho, čo sa mi páči, ale, zábavne, rovnako ako moja babička … je to moja najobľúbenejšia osoba, ako aj to, že ma najskôr otočila na tašky ako trochu dievčaťa … Nedávno som si kúpil držiteľa goyardovej karty v ekologickom priateľskom Pretože ekologická je jej obľúbená farba <3 Sú pripojenia obchodného partnera inštrumentálne pre vaše nakupovanie? Vôbec nie… Prečo sa vám nakupujete, okrem získania niečoho nového? Rád som sa stretávam s siluetami a remeselnou právomocou týchto špičkových tašiek. Sú to pre mňa kúsky nositeľného umenia. Cítili ste sa niekedy, akoby ste dostali podradnú službu v obchode alebo obchode kvôli svojmu vzhľadu, etnicite alebo pohlavia? Áno, nedávno som mal v obchode LV v Holt Renfrew v Montreale zlú skúsenosť, pričom som ich požiadal o nejaké informácie o vypracovaní kódov mimo dátumu ... Kúpil som si predtým z obchodu, hoci tento predajný partner to odvtedy nerozumel Nič sa ma nepýtal, rovnako ako by mi neposkytol žiadne informácie o ničom, pokiaľ by som si niečo nekúpil ako prvý. Off-putting doesn’t even begin to cover it. Zastavil som sa v nedeľu po tom, čo som pracoval na druhej úlohe obchodníka na čiastočný úväzok, takže som nebol presne „oblečený na zapôsobenie“, ako som presvedčený, že o mne od začiatku urobil rýchly úsudok, čo je nešťastné. Rovnosť klienta by mala byť prioritou. Peniaze Kto platí za vaše tašky? V neporovnateľných slovách Cher: „Moja mama mi povedala, aby som sa oženil s bohatým mužom, ako som povedal, mami, som bohatý muž.“ Vyradíte rozpočtový plán na nákupy tašky? Nie nevyhnutne, snažím sa to vyriešiť, keď idem, pretože nikdy nechápeš, čo sa objaví. Témy tabu Kúpili ste si niekedy falšovanie, pretože ste nemohli zaplatiť za dizajnérsku položku? Ako dieťa som rád chodil na ulicu Canal Street v NYC ... Moji rodičia neboli zástancami pre špičkové obchody alebo výrobky, aby sa zabezpečilo, že to bolo úprimne tam, kde som dostal predbežné pochopenie dizajnérskych tašiek, zvláštne! Skryte niekedy nákupy pred svojimi značnými inými? Som slobodná žena? s problémom s kabelkou? Čo je najbláznivejšie, čo ste urobili, aby ste zaplatili za tašku? Nič z bežných. Som mimoriadne obrovským fanúšikom trochu nových možností prepúšťania ponúkaných takmer všade - uľahčuje nákup obrovského nákupu oveľa jednoduchšie a menej nepríjemné, takže mi to zachránilo ísť do akéhokoľvek typu extrémov. Veríte tomu, že váš nákup je niekedy problémom? have you ever felt like you were having a hard time with a buying addiction? I do have a handbag addiction however I’m not in denial as well as try to keep a remove head about it as well as what purchases I can realistically afford. The rest Of It Any other costly hobbies or passions? My rescue dog who is around 14/15 years old… I would offer all my bags in a heartbeat for her if I had to. Anything else you would like to include? working in the secondary market I would just want to stress to fellow handbag enthusiasts who are thinking about selling their bags – even when in mint NWT condition – it's important to note the difference between asking cost as well as selling cost (and not the retail selling cena…) ?